Tuesday, June 14, 2022


Business as usual and a little bit all over the place at the same time, the 2022 contest will forever exist within a [geo]political bubble we can only hope will be a one-off.

01 Albania
B: I love the cognitive dissonance inherent in “I will never regret / You will be my secret”. There’s something schizophrenic overall about this mash-up of English, random bits of Spanish and Ronela’s native Albanian – which, not for the first time, comes across in lines like “Po un nuk e di, nuk e di si kam me u ni” as some tribal chant. Oddly, the “Xhamadanin me vija” bit goes untranslated in the official English version, and the best Google can offer is ‘The glass with stripes’. Huh?
A: The YASSSS QUEEN SLAAAAY fanboys saw this going places, but I never did. It’s more of a mood board than a song. There’s a very cut-and-paste feel to it all, with no obvious progression and an ending that appears to have run out of ideas. But then for something that aims to – and should – feel modern, the ethnic albatross around its neck keeps it anchored in the mid-’00s, and the sub-Ruslana shtick just doesn’t wash. If it weren’t obvious enough that it came from Albania, the producers hammer it home with the screech of an eagle, which is pretty much the song in a nutshell: a bunch of sound effects thrown together. The A-chorus (or whatever it is – the “Hey, I will never regret...” bit) is the best part of the song, since it’s the only one that has an actual tune.
V: It’s all very aggressively sexual, isn’t it? Ronela throws herself into the role of brothel-keeping madam, but at the expense of her vocals, which are already a little ragged by the halfway mark. Just like the song, the performance is one set piece after another without much of a throughline.

02 Latvia
B: These lyrics are clever in their way, but I’ve always had the nagging suspicion that they (and the lads) are taking the piss far more than they’re endorsing anything they appear, on the surface, to be espousing. The ‘green Titanic’ bit in particular is a red flag, while the entire second verse, and bits’n’bobs elsewhere, have an irrefutable ring of objectification and macho bullshit about them. So is the song just them whining about the lengths they have to go to to get into a girl’s knickers these days, wrapping it up in straight-guy humour, or is it them actually poking fun at that in a tongue-in-cheek, self-aware kind of way? If the lyrics are pitched so that you’re never entirely sure one way or the other, I suppose it’s 1:0 to the lads.
A: This doesn’t get far beyond the halfway mark before its conversation has dried up, so there’s a definite sense of it outstaying its welcome. You’ve got to hand it to them though, that first line is one hell of an opening gambit. I’ve always thought this is a very solid – and likeable – composition, taking all the best bits of funk to give it a real lift and drive, especially in the final chorus. The blend of vocals complements it as well. The saxophone shadowing the vocal line in the chorus is unnecessary, but then you only notice it when you listen to the karaoke version, and it comes into its own in the instrumental break anyway.
V: Citi Zēni are “as well known for their energetic performances... as they are for their cheeky lyrics”, and they deliver on both counts here – or rather the audience does where the latter’s concerned, supplying what is no doubt the most enthusiastic cry of “Pussy!” ever chorused by an army of gay men. Slappable though the boys are – in different ways: whatsit who does the chorus looks like he needs a jolt to snap him out of whatever state it is that makes him look like he can’t move his head or face while singing – they own the stage both physically and vocally in what is a very effective performance. Well, not effective enough for them to qualify, but still. The final would have benefitted from their energy.

03 Lithuania
B: Imagery like “Jis atplaukė juoda puta / Pamenu, kaip stoviu Nidos kopų vidury / Ir žuvėdrai moju / Toli, toli...” has a sense of dualism about it, in that it’s so wonderfully mundane and like a scene from a Fellini film at the same time.
A: There’s something sensuous and shifting, almost threatening, about this arrangement. The chorus is the most straightforward and therefore accessible part of it, but the verses hold more allure. It’s really quite fascinating, especially stripped of its vocals, when it feels like an almost entirely different prospect: there’s so much to discover in it. Once again, the last 30 seconds or so are where everything comes together to cement the overall effect.
V: Both song and styling here effortlessly conjure up* the Soviet music scene of the late ’70s/early ’80s – this could easily be an Alla Pugacheva number (minus the big hair) from back in the day, or indeed by any of the chanteuses who enjoyed success throughout the union. It’s the Lithuanian that underpins that sense, pleasingly. Monika exudes glamour in her performance, which keeps things simple but classy, and she’s perfectly on song throughout.

*For me, anyway: it didn’t produce any such associations for my husband, who’s a product of the era, so what do I know

B: If nothing else, the guff about Marius’ journey of self-discovery in his official bio ties in nicely with these lyrics, which – I assume – are about being true to and honest with yourself and others. They’re simultaneously simplistic and overreaching, but their heart’s in the right place.
A: If this had been the Swiss entry in 2019, we’d have no doubt considered it 1) a huge step up from what they’d been giving us to that point and 2) a clear attempt at emulating the success of Amar pelos dois. It fails at the latter, but it’s still lovely. Just not quite up there with their last few entries. As contrived as the crackle of vinyl is, it adds to the sense of timelessness (or old-fashionedness, take your pick) in the music, as do Marius’ croaky vocals. The orchestration’s gorgeous, stripped back but swelling to fill the space as the song progresses. It’s easy to hear why the Swiss saw potential in it.
V: Potential to sell it to the juries, anyway; the televoters were unlikely to lap it up. Especially the way it’s presented in the semi, where paring things back tips over into there being literally almost nothing to see. The projection of the broken heart on Marius’ face never really works – in fact in the long shot it makes him look like a medieval plague doctor, wearing one of those beak-like nosegays. (To be fair, his fashion choices aren’t much better than that.) Almost everything that’s projected on the screen throughout is unfathomable as well. He’s fine vocally, but there’s not much connection there between him and the song, or indeed him and the audience. Less so in the final, admittedly, where the changes they’ve made to the performance are all for the better, if ultimately futile in winning over the people at home.

B: “S sten gledajo me slike / Spremljajo me vsak korak / Vrača mi spomine vsaka / Srce v solzah se namaka.” Aww, Mr Bear was right – boys do cry! Poor lad. I hope his ESC experience made up for it, even if it ditched him halfway through as well.
A: Bless, it’s like the unpopular kids in the music club run by their young and desperately enthusiastic teacher volunteered to do the music at their school dance. How this won any national final, ever, boggles the mind. I can’t be doing with it or the lead singer’s reedy voice, which has no shade or character to it whatsoever. The composition is the opposite of Latvia’s for me, just sort of making do with what it has at its disposal rather than getting the most out of the possibilities the genre offers up. It’s not incompetent, but the occasionally wandering bassline and brass are the only vaguely interesting things about it. The way it reverts to type after the incongruous but potentially effective dip in the middle eight is very annoying. Uncharitable as it sounds, I couldn’t wait for them to get the plug pulled on them in the semi.
V: The retro camerawork here, while not always successful, is rather sweet, and Filip looks like he’s cosplaying as Austin Powers. He sings well enough, and comes across as sympathetic – unlike the knock-kneed keyboardist who keeps bouncing around and mugging at the camera, and seems like a bit of a twat. The geometry of the semi-functioning stage makes more sense here than it does for many other entries.

B: “Stefania is a tribute to [band member Oleh Psiuk]’s mother, which she only heard for the very first time when she saw the band compete in Ukraine’s Eurovision selection show” – and which seemed to elicit no reaction from her whatsoever if her vacant expression was anything to go by. (Maybe she blanked it because it pointed out she was going grey.) It is, nevertheless, a touching tribute to her and indeed to any mother. It’s impossible to ignore the fact that recent events have imbued the line “ломаними дорогами прийду я завжди тебе” and its English translation “I’ll always find my way home, even if all roads are destroyed” with far greater significance than was ever intended.
A: The song in the entirety of Eurovision history whose relative qualities have never been more secondary to the sheer existence of the entry and, indeed, the country fielding it. As well produced as the whole thing is, it’s the bits that combine the traditional elements with the modern production that do the business for me, since rap has never been my thing, although I admire Oleh’s ability to produce such streams of it. That said, there are some lovely musical touches underlying it that you don’t notice are there unless you take the vocals away. Lead singer Tymofii Muzychuk has a melancholy edge to his voice and delivery that suits the song (and the context) perfectly. The clappy final chorus and instrumental ending are undeniably effective but also make it feel like the song is treading water until it gets to the three-minute mark.
V: Mr Muzychuk is incredibly handsome, and has smoothed the rough edges off his vocals between Vidbir and Turin. There’s some iconic imagery here – the swaying shadows and the looming eyes in particular – that makes the performance stand out visually a lot more than most. This is useful considering the distractions provided by the Kalush guys themselves, whose blend of looks is eclectic, to say the least. Aspects of the staging work really well, others less so; in any other year I doubt it would constitute a winning performance. But there’s no denying the emotional tug of it. Even watching it back now I found myself choking up a little towards the end, with everyone cheering them on. It’s just such a powerful moment.

B: I’d worried that in deciding the running order the producers would put Ukraine back to back with Greece, thus coming up with one of the most tactless pairings in the contest’s history, so I breathed a sigh of relief when that egg-on-face scenario was averted. However, it then struck me that the Bulgarian entry makes mention of “hot flames... tearing me up”, of being sent to war and of the illusion of safety being surreal and I thought: they dodged one bullet only to shoot themselves in the foot anyway.
A: Still, the musical contrast serves Ukraine well. It’s tempting to assume this was internally selected by БНТ because they thought it ticked the Måneskin boxes, but that would be such a slap in the face to last year’s winners that I’ll go with the Bulgarians just not having a fucking clue – which is very unlike them, and therefore all the more perplexing. Perhaps it was the budget they didn’t have this time round. Either way, the song is pathetically, offensively middle of the road even within its own genre, making a mockery of the band’s name and of them styling themselves as a ‘vastly experienced supergroup’. The middle eight is easily the most palatable bit of the whole thing, but very much in a bush-tucker trial sort of way: the kangaroo bollock to the crocodile anus that is the rest of the song.
V: Okay, that’s being a bit unfair to it – both the instrumental version and indeed the performance demonstrate a level of competence, but Jesus, it’s so boring that no amount of pyro or lighting effects can make up for it.
P.S. What’s with the Elitsa erasure in the official bio? Stoyan “represented Bulgaria with [her] in 2007 with the song Voda” before “returning solo in 2013 with Samo shampioni.” Er, no he didn’t...? Maybe she just doesn’t want her name attached to it anymore. (If Stoyan were smart, he’d take the same approach with Intention.)

B: I’d not noticed until checking the bio that S10 seems to have co-written this with a lesser-known Marvel superhero: the delicious Krabman, presumably known for his trademark sideways shuffle and constant itch. He’s quite the catch: their collaboration plumbs the depths of self-doubt in relationships, with lines like “Ik bijt weer op mijn tanden en ik weet dat jij dat ook doet / Maar god wat moet ik anders, wanneer is het genoeg” reflecting the sense of being pulled under and struggling to work out which way is up.
A: Head and shoulders above everything else so far, ironically. It’s brooding, but catchy and accessible, and the language works surprisingly sympathetically. Stien’s echoing vocals add to the already palpable sense of atmosphere. You’d think the ooh-oohs and da-da-das would undermine the overall effect, at least to some extent, and yet they make perfect sense leading into and accompanying the crashing chorus. But as much as her voice is the thing the rest of the song is anchored around, the instrumental version is utterly absorbing.
V: See, Switzerland? This is how you do effective minimalism. And see, Bulgaria? This is how you get lighting to enhance your performance. “The darling of the Dutch alt-pop scene” gives a lovely performance here, solid but vulnerable. It’s brilliant to hear the arena chipping in with their own oohs and aahs.

B: Despite the whole Chișinău–București thing, I’d not realised these lyrics had something to say about the ties that bind Moldova to Romania; I’d unfairly assumed they peddled the same banality as the music. But the questions asked in “Merge și nu poate pricepe: / Care țară? Unde-ncepe? / Țară veche, țară nouă, / Parcă-i una, parcă-s două” are surprisingly existential, while also serving as a gentle swipe at outsiders’ inability to tell the countries apart or lack of awareness that they exist as separate entities in the first place. Or, for that matter, at all.
A: The term ‘diminishing returns’ feels like it was coined to describe Zbod şi Zdub’s Eurovision oeuvre, at least in musical terms; the results speak for themselves. You’ve heard everything this song has to offer before it’s even notched up 45 seconds, after which it’s just repeated again, and again, and again. The ‘heavy metal’ makeover that sections of it were given, as uninspired as the entirety of the Bulgarian entry, add nothing to the song but do at least go some way to breaking up the monotony. It’s the Brothers Advahov who provide the composition with its only interest-piquing moments in the line they take with the fiddle and accordion.
V: The consummate showmen. This is a smiley, upbeat performance that’s nevertheless surprisingly static; colourful, but with basic choreography and limited movement. It works though – there’s no reason to take umbrage at their televote success. The aforementioned brothers are the cheery cherry on the cake.

B: The English lyrics here are lovely and perfectly attuned to the music, but it’s the Portuguese verse in its entirety – “Tem tanto que trago comigo, foi sempre o meu porto de abrigo / E agora nada faz sentido, perdi o meu melhor amigo / E se não for demais, peço por sinais / Resta uma só palavra / Saudade” – that really does it for me, for its rhyme and rhythm and gentle flow as much as the ingenuousness of what it’s saying.
A: Portugal’s renaissance at Eurovision (if it can be said to ever have enjoyed a substantial period of success in the contest) has largely paralleled that of the Netherlands, but been much more understated and, at times, underappreciated. Not with this though, which continues their run of quality entries that combine traditional elements with a modern production, and which sound exactly the same on stage as they do in studio. The instrumental opening, Maro’s vocals and the harmonies encapsulate everything the song is about. It’s amazing that something which gives us more or less the same four bars for almost a minute is so effective. The introduction of the acoustic guitar towards the two-minute mark, like the vocal arrangement accompanying it, is glorious.
V: The harmonies are even more effective live, sending shivers down the spine during the verse in Portuguese. I feel the intimacy of the performance is punctured a little by Maro’s eyes roving around the arena while she sings; I’d like to think it’s about connecting with the audience, but I suspect she was just so chuffed to be there that she was pinching herself the whole time. It doesn’t distract from the beauty of the song at least, which has even more impact coming straight after Moldova in the semi and between Romania and Finland in the final.

B: I love that the protagonist here is torn by the situation but not at all ashamed to find herself in it, pragmatic enough to embrace the fact that for a lot of people, love isn’t nearly as black and white as it’s made out to be. “I’m with him until the death do us part” is a clever bit of wordplay.
A: An unexpected and delightful change of gears from Croatia, beautifully and very thoughtfully arranged and with a fantastic vocalist in Mia. It makes smart use of backing vocals and vocal effects, too. The acoustic glissando is a delight. There’s a real tug and upswell to the whole thing. In the best possible way, it sounds like it could come from anywhere.
V: Kudos to them for the story they’re trying to tell through modern dance, but all sorts of unfavourable choices were made here. Mia sounds great but has none of the effortless cool she exuded in Dora, weighed down by an outfit that does nothing but distract, while the choreography, as clever as it is in parts, necessitates camerawork that leaves the whole thing looking and feeling disjointed – which fits the lyrics, but isn’t great for TV. The switch to Croatian is ineffectual as well, since it just feels like they didn’t have the courage of their convictions in going with English in the first place. None of this does the song itself any favours, to the extent that they were lucky, in the end, to come as close to qualifying as they did. A real shame.

B: I’m all for the female empowerment message here, but there’s a clear mismatch between the intent – being told to make sure you fit in, but doing your own thing and not being afraid to stand out – and the ironically faceless outcome. “You can’t stop me!” Well, the juries and television audience can.
A: I much prefer the first minute of this to the other two, but it’s a lesser-of-two-evils situation. There’s something about both the theme and the delivery that makes the entire thing come across as inauthentic and unconvincing to me, even amateur. The key change and pat ending only compound that feeling. Every time the song comes on, it immediately puts me in mind of the Irish entry from 2009. In this line-up it’s as gormless in its way as Disko, and I always assumed (and, cruelly, hoped) that it would share the same fate. In isolation, the piano opening reminds me of the theme tune to Days of Our Lives. The woodwind that eventually accompanies it before the whole thing goes rock-lite is rather nice.
V: It’s like a Bangles tribute band. The Bungles? Not that you can call them out on much for this performance, which is solid, right down to the colour-blocking. As ever though, I find the wandering-away-from-the-piano thing annoying (she sits at it for a whole minute and never once does the camera show her actually playing it), and the fake laugh right at the end rings hollow. But apart from that it’s a decent showing. Shame the song’s pants.

B: The official bio bigs up LUM!X’s electronic music credentials and the vocal skills and performance experience of Pia Maria (whose name sounds like a brand of knock-off alcohol you’d find at Lidl) such that none of them being borne out in Austria’s end result feels even more glaring for its incongruity.
A: To quote my husband: “Christ, it’s shite.” I can’t stand the torturously processed vocals she had no hope of reproducing on the night or the enforced clapalong-a-club-anthem feel it’s going for. The accessible melody is its only saving grace, although the ethereal backing vocals in the bridge that the karaoke version reveals are an unexpected find.
V: Is that how the kids are dressing these days? Not nearly the vocal trainwreck I remember it being, but virtually everything in this performance is about damage limitation. I get the logic of them using live backings to shore up Pia Maria’s not considerate vocal talents, and applaud them for it, but it somehow contrives to make everyone sound more exposed. Then there’s the two of them literally being hemmed in by the halo of lights: they clearly didn’t want to give them an entire stage to cover. I doubt either of them will be featuring on posters adorning the wall of young queens any time soon, but at least Pia Maria seems to have had a blast if her girly reaction is anything to go by.

B: I’m guessing there’s a lot of allegory in these lyrics, which seem very poetic even to someone who has next to no handle on Icelandic. “Í dimmum vetri – vorið væna / vermir þitt vænghaf á ný / Og hún tekst á flug / svífur að hæstu hæðum / Og færist nær því / að finna innri ró” is clearly taking its imagery and applying it to something else altogether, which can be interpreted in the light of Sigga, Beta and Elín’s trans activism or, I suppose, however you like. Either way the words are beautiful.
A: This wormed its way into my affections very quickly once it got me to take notice of it. Vaguely mysterious, there’s also something finely homespun about it that I adore. The vocals build beautifully but economically on the musical foundations, in whose quiverings and reverberations I roll around in the instrumental version like a pig in the proverbial. As a soundtrack it tells such a meaningful story in its own right.
V: Virtually identical to the Söngvakeppnin performance, and none the worse for it, since the song and staging came ready-made. Some of its potency is diluted in the final by sheer dint of it being in the downtempo second half, but it’s all as lovely as ever. Iceland has never sounded so Icelandic.
Note: I wasn’t aware it was their brother on drums, which makes me wonder why they didn’t call themselves Syblur (or whatever the Icelandic for ‘siblings’ is) instead.

B: “I’m in your back seat / You are driving me crazy” is one of the year’s better bits of punning, although it really does feel like the car should then be driven off a cliff to explode in a fireball as it hits the rocks below. I know we’re not meant to take the lyrics literally, but they can’t help but make it sound like a suicide pact.
A: That cold opening ruthlessly betrays the song’s Nordic roots; the first half couldn’t be less Greek if it tried. The bombastic second half feels more at home representing the country, even if the maudlin subject matter doesn’t. Overall it fails to move me, since to my mind it never really capitalises on its potential, of which it has quite a bit. Plus there’s just something, I don’t know, weak? underwhelming? about Ms Tenfjord’s voice that stops me from being sold on it. The chorus works better in that respect, but only the first time round. Apart from the fascinating treatment on the backing vocals in the arresting introduction to the instrumental version, the middle eight is by far my favourite bit of the song, probably because it feels like it’s been patched on from something else altogether.
V: An astonishing first minute here gives ways to a less focussed but nevertheless absorbing performance it’s hard to take your eyes off. The stage looks extraordinary in wide shot with the gradated blues and white lights, however obvious a combination they are given the country they’re showcasing. (These make up for the overhead shot of the melting chairs, which looks more like bacteria multiplying in a petri dish.) Michelle Gomez’ Greekwegian daughter produces finely controlled vocals in the semi, which then flatten out somewhat in the final once the pressure’s off. Still, she brings it when she needs to.

B: Combined with the whole Jim/Keith thing, “I really like... / That hairy coat of yours with nothing underneath” and “I like... / That hunger in you – I’m in danger now, I guess” make this a delightful combination of the homoerotic and the humdrum.
A: Is this a work of genius, or a work of madness, or both? For a ‘lightweight’ entry it has surprising depth to it: the opening and closing verses are an acoustic treat. I like the rest of it as well, even if it labours the point in stretching itself out to three minutes. The arrangement of the synths in the second verse adds an effective moment of variety, although the production as a whole is more layered than it initially appears to be.
V: An obvious qualifier, but it’s easy to see why it plateaued in the final. The backing track deserves an on-screen credit, providing about three-quarters of the vocals; the rest of the time is spent trying to work out who (if anyone) on stage is singing. They clearly are though, so that’s something. And in any case it’s daft and fun, and good enough not to be dismissed as a novelty entry.

B: Getting the most out of the multiple meanings of ‘snap’, this is a clever set of lyrics that feels very genuine and has plenty to recommend it. I particularly like “Turns out people lied / They said just snap your fingers / As if it was really that easy / For me to get over you” and “My heart’s been on fire / I’ve been spending my nights / In the rain trying to put it out”.
A: The most competitive entry Armenia has fielded for some time, and worthier that its final result would suggest. The track itself is yet another acoustic (and this time percussive) delight, but everything is anchored around Rosa Linn’s vocals in a way that most other songs this year aren’t. I would have considered holding off on the echoing backing vocals until the second chorus, but they probably felt the first one needed them to distinguish it more from the verses bookending it.
V: That toilet tissue tree Hayko planted in Helsinki finally paid off. It lends the set rather an odd look, all the more so when bits of it are ripped off to reveal the ugly calligraphy underneath. Working against this, Rosa Linn gives a very confident performance for someone so inexperienced, sounding fantastic throughout. The hold-your-breath moment in the semi that is her failed first attempt at tearing away the paper seal across the porthole turns to a sigh of relief when she handles it like such a pro. Her heart might have skipped a beat, but if so, her vocals don’t betray it for a moment. She’s on song again in the final, although I’m not sure the pyjamas look is an improvement.

B: It seems fitting that a song whose title is a word that hasn’t been in common parlance since about the 1950s should be co-written by someone with as old-fashioned a name as Desmond. The reference to the crucifixion hints at the Jezebel in question being the Biblical queen of Israel rather than the harlot or hussy of colloquial renown, but the lyrics as a whole tend towards the latter: less Phoenician princess, more bewitching siren with an insatiable appetite for cock.
A: This was seen in certain quarters as the logical continuation of the Finns’ previous entry, but it has a lot more in common with schlager than it does any sort of metal. For that very reason, the one previous ESC entry it reminds me of most strongly is Eyes That Never Lie from Belarus back in 2009. It’s OK; certainly well produced, but there’s something, I dunno, complacent about it that stops it from appealing to me more. The only surprising bit is the electric guitar quietly doing its own thing in the second verse. Lauri’s vocals sound like they’re being tested even in the studio version.
V: The static sun suits the bumblebee colour scheme perfectly, certainly more so than the balloons, which just look a bit cheap. Presumably they’re behind the choice on Lauri’s part – the man who must surely hold the Guinness record for the world’s highest forehead – to open the performance by giving us a poor man’s Pennywise. He’s very unconvincing at first, struggling to land any of the lines, but comes into his own once he’s able to let rip. (He’s stretched noticeably thinner towards the end in the final, however.) His hair makes him look like he’s been pulled through a hedge backwards.

B: “And if you’re asking who’s gonna take it all / You know I am”. It was a rhetorical question, honey.
A: I’m not sure what’s most irritating here. I think it’s the Middle Eastern interlude, but the useless piccolo (or whatever it is) they added to the non-event of a chorus comes a close second. And the coy tee-heeing an even closer third. Overall, as a composition it’s only slightly ahead of Albania in terms of how it’s been cobbled together from so many disparate parts.
V: Before this won X-Factor I said it would make a fun addition to this year’s contest provided they Drag-Raced the shit out of it in Turin. They didn’t, and however good a vocalist our Mr David is, there just wasn’t enough for juries to vote for, and insufficient spectacle – or perhaps a surfeit of it, but none of it sufficiently engrossing – to garner it the televotes to counter that. The whole thing is one massive arched eyebrow. (Which is what Slavko thought he was serving back in 2017, without ever coming close.)

B: “A critique of the Serbian healthcare system and a satire on unattainable beauty standards,In corpore sano is a safe bet as the only Eurovision entry that will ever mention that most overlooked of internal organs, the humble spleen. ‘Biti zdrava’ makes for an unlikely but very effective hook.
A: This definitely has interesting things to say and a very strong artistic concept underpinning it. Ana Konstrakta’s architectural background is perhaps reflected in the composition, which is very much at the modern, more innovative end of the spectrum. Even if the language failed to pinpoint it as emanating from the Balkans, the backing vocals certainly would. The echoing elements work well, underscoring the questioning nature of the piece, which has all manner of layers to it. It feels a tad bitty (...zdrava), but only because your ears keep darting between the elements that are vying for your attention. Very much a work of art, without tipping over into pretentiousness.
V: It’s funny watching this back now: I can see why it grabbed people’s attention, of course, but it’s not as clean a performance as I remembered it being. Certain parts of it are a bit disjointed, and Ana herself, both vocally and in terms of the performance, feels as though she’s going through the motions. As elsewhere, you can argue that this is in keeping with the lyrics, but it does undermine the overall effect. Not in a catastrophic way, as its result attests, and it feels slightly less mechanical in the final in any case. In purely aesthetic terms, I wish they’d displayed all of the ‘subtitles’ full-screen and that they hadn’t seemed quite so random.

B: “Do you really want no part of this?” he asked. “LOL, no,” said the televoters.
A: This is better than I gave it credit for on first listening, but it’s not a wise move to spend 80% of your allotted airtime teasing the audience and then going all-in in the last 30 seconds. Juries, if they’re doing their jobs properly, are duty bound to listen till the very end and judge accordingly, but televoters are under no such obligation. What is there for them in an A-chorus so devoid of content that the background hiss sounds like an instrument in its own right? Nadir’s gravelly delivery of the word ‘weather’ also grates (especially the first time) (and especially live) but makes more sense as the song progresses, while the spiralling high notes at the end are eye-popping. It’s all rather overwrought, in fact. I predicted it might end up giving the Azeris their second NQ, and it should have: never has one of their entries been so roundly snubbed by the viewers. Nadir indeed.
V: Those high notes are basically all this performance is about – regardless of the mirrored theatre that’s playing out on the bleachers, the two minutes leading up to them are very easy to pay zero attention to. The way Nadilbo Baggins addresses the final lines to his dancer raises some interesting questions, and if it’s a bury-your-gays trope, it’s worth noting that it’s the Black guy who dies in the end. (I wonder why the haircut before the final. Was it a bet or a promise that he’d shed his locks if he qualified? Did they find a spider nesting in there?) “I need some time to fix this” is surely what the HoD said before messaging his Sammarinese, Montenegrin et al. counterparts in their ‘Usual Suspects’ WhatsApp group.

B: The official bio, which is kooky but thoughtful and tongue-in-cheek, raises a smile for so neatly reflecting everything the band seems to be about. “Sonically unique” and a philosophy that “lies in the complete neglect of musical frameworks” sum them up perfectly.
A: Kudos to the Georgians for consistently doing their own thing at Eurovision and bugger the outcome. This is likable enough for the principled indifference, but it almost goes out of its way to give people reasons not to vote for it: the verses, in all their iterations, seem wilfully one-note. (The instrumental version reveals they’re about one-and-a-quarter-note, not that it helps.) The chorus is a much more attractive prospect, and once you’ve heard it the first time, you’re only really interested in returning to it and blanking out the rest.
V: In one of my more straw-grasping predictions this year, I said the televoters might have more time for the overall package here if the boys from the circus managed to sell it colourfully and convincingly enough. Sadly, “Trying hard will not get you really far” could be the tagline for this performance. It’s a total trip: bonkers, but incredibly slick at the same time, and a lot of thinking has gone into it. It sounds and looks way better than I ever thought it would.

B: Trite lyrics. Most people were happy to leave it, as it turned out. I know she thinks she’s being an ally, but it just comes across as a pretty white girl blathering on about the struggles of being privileged.
A: Jettisoning a bland but competent placeholder in favour of an equally bland but competent replacement was an odd move, but the Maltese clearly had more faith in this run-of-the-mill anthem than they did in Out of Sight, however misplaced in the end. I don’t think there’s a single noteworthy thing about it.
V: To be fair, it might have scraped a qualification if Emma had done it more justice [than it deserved]. She’s never more than passable, exhibiting none of the poise or power she did performing the song that won her the ticket to Torino in the first place. This one tests her in unhelpful ways, resulting in three uncomfortable minutes in which nothing is a disaster and yet nothing seems to fall into place either. She urges the crowd on, no doubt because she was scripted to, but you have to wonder whether she sensed that the audience wasn’t really engaging. On the plus side, her sparkly dress is a winner even if she’s not.

San Marino
B+A: The body ink, manscara and queer trappings do little to disguise what a banal list song this is, both lyrically and musically. The only highlight of the former is the description of Achille’s heart as a sex toy. The latter is so derivative that it all but renders the thing void. There are some nice touches with the synths, but they’re few and far between.
V: I’ve learned to my cost that you should never underestimate San Marino’s ability to find enough buyers for the tat it’s peddling, so I’m still mildly surprised this didn’t make it, especially with the ‘home crowd’ advantage. Mr Lauro would have had to try very hard to seem more bored by the whole thing in Turin than he did in the national final, but while he’s clearly more into it, there still aren’t many fucks being given here. Sure, all sorts is flung at the screen to hold your attention, not least the mechanical bull – but that ultimately becomes the perfect metaphor for the song and performance as a whole.

B: Peak irony: ‘not the same’ is repeated 14 times.
A: Pompous, self-important and astoundingly boring, this is an exercise in vocal gymnastics in search of a song. Not even the orchestration or its audible squeaks can save it.
V: Sheldon might be a gifted singer when he’s not in wow-the-judges mode, but he doesn’t make me want to listen to him, and when it’s packaged the way it is, his story doesn’t interest me in the slightest. The theatrics he reined in during the semi are ramped up in the final, frittering away the modicum of good will engendered in me towards him by that small act. And why are there two sets of stairs? He only uses one. I appreciate symmetry as much as the next man, and Escher would be proud, but really.
Addendum: Ha! That juxtaposition when he breaks character in the blink of an eye at the end to thank the audience – he sounds like such a bogan!

B: The few lines in Greek aren’t interesting per se, but they add a hint of flavour to the lyrics, which otherwise have little to say for themselves.
A: I don’t know which 20-year-old drawer they pulled this out of, but it’s charmingly uncompetitive by recent Cypriot standards. The bridge into the chorus – which is to say the bit in the studio version that sounds least like the rest to me – is my favourite part of the song, but the pluck of the bouzouki (or whatever it is) is pleasant, and Andromache has a nice voice. On the whole though it feels like a leftover Antique album track. Not surprisingly, given that it shares one of the band’s former songwriters among the nine (!) it took to write the thing. Did they take one instrument each?
V: Andromache acquits herself well enough vocally that skirting the edges at times isn’t enough to derail them, but beyond that her performance is rather robotic, or at least devoid of personality. Since most of the wavy-arm choreography in the bridge is presented in long shot, the one close-up we get makes it look like she’s asked the dancer to hold her microphone while she zips up her dress. The oversized prop meets with mixed success: clearly inspired by Botticelli, it ends up looking part cartoon octopus, part 3D model of uterus and ovaries, and the projections used to light it create shadows that simultaneously complement and obscure the movement the three lasses are giving us. In the end, like Malta, the performance is more or less okay but never really lands.

B: “Take your mirror off the wall / Ain’t you getting bored of your reflection?” is a pointed opening salvo in a set of lyrics that packs the punch it’s aiming for.
A: It’s bizarre to think this is only, what, the second female uptempo number Ireland’s ever entered in the contest? Kudos to them for doing so with something that actually sounds contemporary, as reflected in both its minimalism (the chorus is barely distinguishable from the verses) and its attitude. I’m not a fan of the ‘rap’, but it adds to the sass and leads into the most unapologetically in-your-face bit of the song. I do like the floaty vocals backing the first half of the second verse.
V: Although they were starting from a good place in the semi, I doubted in Ireland’s ability to capitalise on it – partly because there seemed to be something chavtastic about Brooke that I wasn’t sure would do her any favours. As it turned out, she put in a pretty strong showing, outclassing Andromache in the personality stakes within about half a bar, even if treading too fine a line vocally at times herself. Overall the performance is fine; not entirely convincing, but better than expected. And it was nice to see the Irish throwing a bit of money at their staging for once, however short-changed it must have left them feeling.

North Macedonia
B: Some things never change, with these lyrics maintaining the Balkan tradition of getting to the halfway point and then just repeating themselves. Which, I suppose, is more appropriate here than it might otherwise be. “Can you stop calling me baby / I’ve made up my mind already” presses the point home effectively.
A: A second strong contemporary female number in a row, but as the line-up crystallised it somehow faded into the background to the point of vanishing. Nevertheless, I liked the angry, urban edge to it from the off, if for no other reason than it felt quite different for Macedonia. It doesn’t evolve much in its three minutes, but it does ramp up the tension.
V: Somehow, amid all the cheese and chit-chat of our Semi 2 party, I managed to miss Macedonia completely, despite being sat in front of the TV the whole time it was on. So watching this now might as well be the first time – and what a revelation it is! Andrea, that unknown quantity it seemed everyone throughout the on-season assumed wouldn’t be able to sing her way out of a paper bag, absolutely nails it. The song itself feels a little empty when she’s not filling the void with her vocals, since there’s not a great deal happening on or around the stage and she’s the only thing on it, but even so. What she’s singing about accounts for her permanently downturned mouth, so it’s nice to see her crack a genuine smile at the end. Even though she didn’t qualify, I hope that if she did get any shit back in Skopje for that whole ridiculous flag thing that she turned around and pointed to this performance and said, “Look at that, you fuckers, look what I did for you.”

B: “We’ll be the last ones breathing here.” It’s unforgivable! This is an unexceptional but nevertheless uplifting set of lyrics for an affirmational anthem.
A: Stefan’s strongest entry to date, in spite of his terrible diction, so I’m glad it was the one that earned him the ticket to Eurovision. It does everything you’d expect a song of its ilk to do, right down to the echoes of Ennio Morricone. It’s more homage than pastiche though, even if it does feel like an exercise in ticking things off a list at times. There’s an undeniable pull to it: it’s a real toe-tapper and no mistake.
V: Sing your heart out, boy! Great stuff.

B: In the wake of the Australian entry, “Knew that I was different than the others” as an opening line immediately puts me on my guard, but it turns out these lyrics aren’t nearly as overwrought or self-obsessed, and in any case they’re packaged very differently. “When you say my name / My world is crumbling” doesn’t quite impart what it means to, but the sentiment is sweet.
A: It was about time the Romanians returned to their pop roots, considering where the more brooding stuff got them. It’s fine for what it is, but pretty much just there. I’m not sure what anyone on either side of the voting divide was meant to see in it, but enough of them did, so there you go. The two-and-a-half bars of salsa that pop up in the middle eight are an unexpected highlight.
V: Nothing camp about this! The female dancers’ bellbottom catsuits are astounding, with just enough airholes cut out of them to provide the male dancers with the croppiest crop-tops you’ve ever seen. The Eurovision staple that is the costume reveal is much more clearly showcased on the Saturday night, where the “beatmaker from Buzău” gives the contest its most engaging #2-in-the-final in yonks. This is thanks in no small part to it being such an audience-participation song, with the crowd very audibly hola- and llámame-ing along. I’m not entirely sure why WRS is being shadowed throughout by a male backing vocalist, since he sounds fine on his own. Perhaps they were just going for a double-tracking effect.

B: “All that I’ve done / Oh Lord, I’m done” is the only thing approaching a lyrical highlight here, again for the play on words. Leaving instructions to be buried in your skin is a bit weird. Would he rather be flayed first? I know it’s meant to be a metaphor or something, but even so.
A: Hopes were high for this, but I was never convinced it was going to live up to them. One half of the song isn’t nearly as good as the other half, but that said, of the various falsetto vocals in this year’s contest, Krystian’s are arguably the most organically suited to the song they’re propping up. I like his voice more when he’s not scaling the heights, however, such as in [most of] the string-heavy bridge leading to the final chorus. Which is, incidentally, characteristic of the grandiloquence that makes the song very hard-going in parts.
V: Then there’s Ochman himself, who’s never once looked entirely comfortable or engaging performing the song, technically excellent though his vocals may be. He needed a charisma injection stat, but he didn’t get one. (Even the way he thanks the audience feels stiff and insincere.) He is at least the still point in a visual maelstrom – why lay on just one effect when you can lay on all of them? – which takes away from the dancing whatever-they-ares, which in turn are a distraction from Krystian in the first place. Perhaps they twigged that they’d need one, since you can’t get him to stare down the barrel of the camera for love nor money. The resulting performance, paired with the song, is undeniably competent but unavoidably aloof. Coming straight after the UK in the final does him no favours either.
Addendum: The way he delivers the line “just float away” before the second chorus is amusingly camp, as is his diamante neckwear.

B: The alliteration continues in the official bios, with Vladana styled as the “popstress from Podgorica”. But whats she banging on about here? We haven’t had a set of lyrics this impenetrable in the contest for quite some time. “In the clouds foam / You’ll keep the things to feel their smell” is my favourite WTF moment in them.
A: Darko Dimitrov’s hit-and-miss relationship with Eurovision continues. There are plenty of elements here that suggest this should be a textbook Balkan ballad (or, I suppose, anthem in this case), but it’s one in which the sums dont add up. It doesn’t help that the percussion feels quite laboured and workmanlike throughout. Vladana only gets a chance to show off her vocal chops at almost the two-minute mark, and neither she nor the song are interesting enough to that point to make you hang around just in case.
V: Despite having a prop on her back that makes it look like she’s Gemma Chan’s Marvel character Minn-Erva and that her superpower is to transform into an airboat and take people on tours of the Florida Everglades, Vladana somehow manages to make this the most forgettable three minutes of the entire contest. I don’t think the Turin audience even noticed when she switched to Italian, and they were sitting right there. She’s got a good voice, but she gurns her way through the entire performance, which wipes itself from your mind while you watch it as if it’s covering its tracks.

B: “One day I’m cool / One day I’m cold” is a nice juxtaposition. More effort could have been made with the rest of the lyrics, which are rather repetitive.
A: Sexy voice; pity the song it’s paired with is the less attractive friend. It’s nicely made, but to me at least a bit of an unhappy marriage. I’m never really sold on the hip-hop elements of it, which sound very dated (as, presumably, they were intended to), whereas the rest of it, and in particular the orchestration of it, is great. The overall impression is one of an objectively decent song that nevertheless passes you by every time you hear it. As an aside, all 500 utterances of the word ‘no’ sound like ‘now’.
V: “I’ve been trying to erase my mind” – pity he missed Montenegro then while waiting in the wings. Notwithstanding the fact that there are four dancers on stage, not a lot goes on here. Three minutes of frenetic choreography wouldn’t have improved things, but the performance does feel stingy at times in terms of how much it’s prepared to give you. That at least shifts the focus onto Jérémie’s vocals, which he delivers very well (albeit with a scrunched-up face on every high note, and in slightly more beleaguered fashion in the final). At the end of the day, the performance – like the song – just doesn’t really register.

B: There’s a lot of honesty here in lines like “You say it isn’t me but when did that ever help” and “You say that you’ve never felt this way for anyone / and that’s why it scares you to death”, and in wishing someone the best while at the same time wishing you loved them less. It looks at the bad choices people are aware they’re making and dissects that without an excuse – or airbrush – in sight. I find it surprisingly moving.
A: Especially in combination with the music, which builds perfectly. The first minute is very effective for providing such a stark musical backdrop of almost nothing but strings, yet as things ratchet up from that point onwards, it makes more and more sense. This is why the instrumental version is such a joy to behold, as much as Cornelia’s smoky vocals contribute to the overall feel. It’s just such textbook stuff, but without the sterility of many recent Swedish entries.
V: Not quite a carbon copy of the MF performance, but I don’t think the pyro adds anything to it. (When we first see the green thing she’s kneeling in front of, it looks like she’s pinched Rigoberta’s oversized nork and it’s gone gangrenous in the months since Benidorm.) The song steamrolls its way through the semi, as it was always going to, before running a little low on said steam in the final. Its fourth-place finish there is more than justified, but it unfairly feels like it’s already been forgotten, overshadowed by the three entries that finished above it.

Czech Republic
B: Shout out to what I think is the first appearance of the expression ‘to ring the changes’ in a Eurovision entry, which almost certainly has its roots in the band forming while they were studying in the UK. “Sailing around in someone’s peripheral” is a nice turn of phrase as well.
A: The Czechs once again produce three minutes of solid pop with limited prospects. The final version feels overproduced compared to the original, not that anyone but us fans would have noticed. The Metal Mickey backing vocals you only hear in the karaoke version suit the piece, and Dominika’s big note echoing away into and floating around the B-chorus is a nice touch, given what that line of the lyrics is saying.
V: Like with buses, the Czechs waited ages for a pimp slot and then two came along at once. This makes for an epic closer to the semi – the audience are mad for it – and a suitably energetic start to the final. Since Dominika struggled to convince anyone she could handle the vocals live, their ticket to Saturday night was only in the bag if she pulled them off, but I guessed it wouldn’t do much once it got there. She seems genuinely thrilled and amazed to have nailed it the way she does in the semi, so I guess anything after that was a bonus. Visually the whole thing is full of question-marks for me – why the Roman statues and their desecration? What prompted those... unusual fashion choices? Was the wet hair look really the best option? – but as a package it’s fine. Needless to say the in-built lights-off moment works a treat.

B: “In their songs, [Alvan and Ahez] tell contemporary stories that reference the ancient myths of Brittany [and] want to show that tradition is not something stuck in the past; rather, it is constantly evolving.” The result seems to be a devil-worshipping, probably substance-enhanced neo-pagan forest fête just begging to be the setting for a slasher movie. The opening lines (“E teñvalijenn ar c‘hoadeier e tiwan an noz / Ar stered a deu war-wel en hiboud direpoz”) are suitably atmospheric, while the lyrics as a whole highlight how alien the language looks for its construction. If someone said it’d been made up for a big-budget fantasy series, I’d believe them.
A: An intriguing song, but it’s not very good. Until just now, getting around to listening to it properly for this review, I’d completely failed to notice that it features what sounds very much like a didgeridoo  which doesn’t seem very French, regional or otherwise. The bongos and electric guitar quietly accompanying the middle part of the song are more interesting than anything else the composition has to offer, apart from said didjéridoo.
V: The fans cried salty tears when Terra failed to win in Spain, so I hope this provided them with some consolation. (It certainly gave them some serious eye candy.) It’s not as uncoordinated or under-rehearsed as it looked in the national final, but there’s still some disconnect, perhaps due to the ADHD camerawork. The green colour scheme makes for a nice change from the predominant blues and reds of the rest of the line-up. In one of those not-a-major-issue-but-still-noticeable moments, or in this case two, Alvan seems to be a fraction of a second behind Ahez, and lead singer Marine a fraction of a note off, for most of the song. More obvious is the discord in the harmonies, which start out okay before dissolving into a morass of sound. But then that’s how the entry as a whole comes across, to be honest. It’s probably as good as it was ever going to get, but had its place in the bottom five locked in from the start.

B: Yet another grown-up set of lyrics from the Italians, and an undeniably and unashamedly queer one at that. There’s much to admire throughout (putting lie to the claim that “a volte non so esprimermi”) but nothing says it as succinctly as “Non lasciarmi così / Nudo con i brividi... / ti vorrei amare, ma sbaglio sempre”.
A: Gorgeous but quite hard work at times, which is what my reaction to Mahmood and Blanco would probably be if I ever met them. It’s a beautifully produced piece and no doubt garnered attention for constituting the contest’s first proper ‘gay duet’. Gasp! Which is what the acapella opening of the Eurovision version starts with, sacrificing the far more effective opening of the original at the altar of the contest’s three-minute rule. Again though, no one outside of the fandom would have been any the wiser. What we do get puts the emphasis on the best bits of the song, but it still feels truncated. Classy, but somewhat clumsily condensed.
V: This isn’t quite the pancake-thin disappointment I recalled it being, but both Blanco and (to a lesser extent) Mahmood are quite flat early on. They get better as the song progresses, which has always been its Achilles heel: every rendition feels like two minutes of them warming up followed by one minute of them actually hitting the notes. Vocals aside, what the lads give us on stage is, to me at least, disconcertingly nonchalant. Mahmood shows more discipline, perhaps because he bears the weight of 1) expectation and 2) launching the thing, but then Blanco stomps onto the scene like a stage invader who nobody’s bothering to tackle and just starts mouthing along and wandering about. Sure, it’s never so insouciant that they completely throw the moment away, but where’s the intimacy a song like this needs, and indeed demands? The only thing that comes close to a goosebump moment in these three minutes has nothing to do with the performance itself, but hearing the Italian crowd singing along with every word.

B: “I sweeten your face in mango juice” is an unlikely addition here, at least in translation; I’m guessing it sounds perfectly normal in Spanish. There’s not much else to grab your attention in these lyrics, which form a stream of words in thrall to the music. I had to listen to the song half a dozen times before I realised they were peppered with English, such is the speed and intensity with which they’re delivered. Being ready to break both hips and hearts sums the thing up nicely.
A: There’s serious song-writing talent behind this, and I guess it shows. It’s not really my sort of thing, and it feels very empty in places to me – especially when shorn of its vocals – but I won’t argue against its effectiveness.
V: It’s the performance that sells it in any case: as songs go, it’s an astonishing three minutes of staging, with a [booty] hypnotic routine you can’t take your eyes off. The crowd go nuts for it, and with good reason – I dare say that technically it’s the most complex and best realised choreography the contest has ever seen. Chanel and all of her dancers are on point throughout. That she manages to maintain such solid vocals while pulling the whole thing off is amazing. (She gets some not insignificant support from the backing track, but even so.) She’s also aided by the clever changes to the live track, which ramp up the Spanishness even further and give the end of the song the booming finale it needed. “I will remember this for the rest of my life!” she cries at the last, and rightly so: she’s given a truly world-class performance.

B: I struggle a little with the nostalgia being pushed here when we’re being asked to sympathise with it by someone in his mid-twenties. Then again, perhaps that’s the reality for Gen-Z these days. In any case, lines like “Wish there was a way to know that we’re in / The good old days before we all just leave ’em” and the more universal theme of self-doubt still resonate.
A: Malik is a likeable performer, but the unprepossessing production here gives you very little to latch onto. Even the impassioned rap feels tepid in studio. The guitar and strings play into the soul-searching nature of the song; the rest is just there to have something to sing along to. The final flourish makes for a brief if rousing finale, but the stable door’s been open for two-and-a-half minutes by that point.
V: I hope Malik didn’t take his result too much to heart, since it’s no reflection of his abilities: he gives a perfectly decent (if at first slightly croaky) performance of a perfectly decent song. Therein, of course, lies the problem. His rap gets the crowd going, but the rest of the song doesn’t, however pleasant it might be. I said before the contest that I wouldn’t be surprised to see Germany join France in the bottom five. Sometimes you just see these things coming; sometimes it’s inevitable.

United Kingdom
B: There’s an intriguing tug-of-war happening here, narratively, as encapsulated in the admission on the bridge that “Gravity keeps pulling me down / As long as you’re on the ground, I’ll stick around”. The title plays with the lyrics in a clever way that will forever frustrate poor translators like me.
A: What a turnaround from last year! It’s like a greatest hits of British music, with echoes of Bowie, Queen and Elton John in a very catchy three minutes of pop. Sam’s at first fluttering, ultimately soaring vocals are perfect for the song, given its lyrics. The shifting backing vocals at the end, pushed right to the outer reaches of the mix, tie in very effectively with what they’re saying and with the overarching space theme. Like quite a few entries this year, the bridge is the standout, but here at least the rest of the song is just as good.
V: Mr Ryder has fantastic vocal control, as his live performance attests, but he tends to come across as a bit of an overgrown kid in his expressions and movement. Credit where it’s due though, he throws himself into these three minutes, owning the couture boilersuit, inhabiting the lunar module and making [the] space his and his alone. Forced chuckle in the second verse aside, I have nothing but praise for him and his staging – he’s far and away the best singer (and this is easily the best act) the Brits have brought to Eurovision in a long, long time. As with Spain, it benefits enormously from the last-minute rethink to the live track, which in combination with the way it’s realised provides some true spectacle in the best sense of the word. Its jury win is well deserved, and we can only hope it inspires the UK to continue investing this sort of quality in the contest from here on in.

And so to the points...

1 point goes to Latvia

2 points go to Ukraine

3 points go to Spain

4 points go to Estonia

5 points go to Lithuania

6 points go to Iceland

7 points go to Sweden

8 points go to the United Kingdom

10 points go to the Netherlands

and finally...

12 points go to...


The wooden spoon is awarded to Albania.